Upcoming Meeting

Our next EARS club meeting is on Tuesday, July 16, at the Springfield Justice Center in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Our speaker will be Tim Duffy (K3LR) who will be joining us via Zoom to present on Grounding and Bonding.

Tim is CEO of DX Engineering and member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame. Licensed in 1972, he is very active on the HF bands. Tim enjoys hosting multi multi DX radio contest events.  Tim is president of his local ham club, the Mercer County Amateur Radio Club. He is active in RACES, ACS and ARES. Tim is a member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, was on Team USA for the World Radio Team Championship (WRTC) five times, and is the founder and chairman of Contest University (CTU). He is chairman of the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF).  Tim is the recipient of the 2015 Amateur of the Year Award presented by the Dayton Hamvention® Awards Committee and the 2016 YASME Excellence Award. During Hamvention® 2024, Tim was inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame because of his lifetime achievements that far transcend his contesting accomplishments.

Prior to the meeting, we will have our usual club activities. The shack will open by 5:30 p.m. and be available for use. Starting at 6:30 p.m., some of our members will be available in the EOC for “Elmer’s Table” assistance. Bring your equipment, questions, and inquisitive spirit and stop by the Elmer’s table for some advice. We will also have our usual swap meet table, 50/50 drawing, and snacks!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email vicepresident@emerald-ars.us

Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by Vice President


Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday, July 16, 7 p.m. at the Springfield Justice Center.