Vice President

Our next EARS club meeting is on Tuesday, July 16, at the Springfield Justice Center in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Our speaker will be Tim Duffy (K3LR) who will be joining us via Zoom to present on Grounding and Bonding.

Prior to the meeting, we will have our usual club activities. The shack will open by 5:30 p.m. and be available for use. Starting at 6:30 p.m., some of our members will be available in the EOC for “Elmer’s Table” assistance. Bring your equipment, questions, and inquisitive spirit and stop by the Elmer’s table for some advice. We will also have our usual swap meet table, 50/50 drawing, and snacks!


There are ongoing open on the Net Control rotation schedule.  If you’re interested, please email me which dates work for you.   I’ll be happy to put you on the calendar.


Parks On the Air
Support Your Parks Weekend July 2024

Lane County area amateur radio operators are coordinating local park activations.

Parks on the Air (POTA) Support your Park weekend is July 20th and 21st from 0000 UTC on the 20th to 2359 UTC on the 21st.

This is an ‘activity weekend’ where the main purpose is to get out in the parks and have as much fun as possible.

How can you participate in this event?
• You can hunt a park. Check out the POTA website for current spots and see how many parks you
can contact from your home QTH.
• For those who are new to POTA and want to see how to activate a park:  You can come out to one of the parks listed and observe an activation.
• You can activate a park, find a park entity listed on the POTA website and activate it.

The exchange is your call sign and signal report. If you are a hunter that is all you need to do. The
activator will turn in a log to the POTA website. If you sign up for a POTA account, you will be given a point
for each park hunted. You will also receive an online certificate for supporting this event as an activator or

Check out the website for more information about POTA:


We are working on many projects and events right now.  Some things going on include planning for a RTTY contest, planning tabling events at SUB Wellness Fair and National Night Out, developing our radio Go boxes, emergency communications development, and repeater development.  The EARS Board is working on developing a policy and procedure manual and other projects.  Make sure you come to a meeting soon to get all the details.

There are lots of ideas and energy happening at EARS right now.  How would YOU like to be involved?  I’d like to hear your ideas.

~Ann, KJ7CWV

Last Updated on July 13, 2024 by Vice President


Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday, July 16, 7 p.m. at the Springfield Justice Center.