Volunteer Examiners Report

Latest Exam Results: June 6, 2024


The monthly testing sessions are being CHANGED! We are moving the test session dates from the last Saturday of the month to the 3rd Saturday of the month. Why? There are at least four holidays which can and have fallen on the last weekend of the month which has impacted candidate attendance. Because we want to reduce this conflict we have moved the test session dates to be the THIRD SATURDAY of the month, beginning with the June session. Also, because the test date change has not been successfully updated at the ARRL VEC page on their web site, we will also be available for testing on the last Saturday of June. This is the only time there will be 2 sessions in the same month, unless special arrangements are made.

Welcome to the latest edition of the EARS VE examiners report. The month of May went by so fast that it is hard to believe that summer is just about here.

We served two candidates in May who passed the General test. They were a husband and wife team and each missed only one question and the happy gins on their faces was our reward. Neither wanted to attempt the Extra class exam at that time but said they would be back at some time. They are local to Eugene and we hope to see them at a future EARS meeting.

There were five Volunteer Examiners for the test session so things went quickly and efficiently.  Once exams were completed I finished the paperwork and once I got home it was submitted to the ARRL electronically which makes it much quicker for results to be submitted to the FCC and licenses issued. This month, however, due to computer issues at ARRL headquarters the submission of test results to the FCC are delayed. As of this writing (6/6), the ARRL VEC is processing submissions from May 22nd, so our last session will most likely be processed in about four more days.

Again, I want to personally thank each of our examiners for taking time out of their weekend to help administer the examinations. Volunteering your time and experience to help new applicants is one of the great things I have seen Hams doing for our hobby. Again my thanks to each of you. We couldn’t do it without you!

Our NEXT testing session will be on Saturday, June 15th, and again on June 29th, at the Justice Center, 1pm sharp. Doors will open at 12:30pm. If you are upgrading or coming for your first license we welcome you and look forward to being of service. Please call Peter, N7IY. His phone number is on the ARRL web site under “exam sessions”,  if you are planning on testing.

If you are a General class, Advanced, or Extra class license holder you can become a Volunteer Examiner and receive accreditation from the ARRL  by passing an open book exam. The service of providing examinations for aspiring Hams is very rewarding and well worth the effort. Nothing feels as good as seeing someone grinning as they are told they PASSED the test.

If you want to get your VE accreditation you can find out all about it here:https://www.arrl.org/become-an-arrl-ve , it is well worth it.

That’s it for this month. Thank you for checking in to see how “your” VE team is doing. I hope you will join us at a meeting or exam. Be well. See you on the air.

73, Bob AD7Z

Last Updated on June 6, 2024 by Bob, AD7Z


Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday, July 16, 7 p.m. at the Springfield Justice Center.