Latest Exam Results: September 3, 2024
We have successfully transitioned from providing testing on the last Saturday of each month to the 3rd Saturday of each month. The last two months were a bit busy as we had to cover both the 3rd and last Saturdays due to the ARRL VE pages not reflecting our date changes.
What happened you ask? Well, when the ARRL had their computer system failure due to a cyber attack back in May, (you can read all about it on the ARRL web pages: ), the dates for our tests were listed for the last Saturday. We had put in a request to ARRL to change the date to the 3rd Saturday just about the same time as the computer problems at ARRL happened. Because the web page date still showed the last Saturday we felt it was prudent to be on hand at the Justice Center on both the 3rd and last Saturdays for the last two month in case someone walked in.
It was a good idea that we did as we had two folks show up on the last Saturday of July for a test. Both candidates passed their test successfully. Even though we were on hand in June no one came in for the testing. As of this date, the ARRL web page for VE testing sessions accurately reflects the changes in our test session dates.
In July we also had one candidate appear for the 3rd Saturday test session and they also were successful in their attempt to pass. So for July, we had a total of 3 candidates, and if I remember right we had one new Technician and 2 new Generals when we were all done.
Again, I want to personally thank each of our examiners for taking time out of their weekend to help administer the examinations. Volunteering your time and experience to help new applicants is one of the great things I have seen Hams doing for our hobby. Again my thanks to each of you. We couldn’t do it without you!
Our NEXT testing session will be on Saturday, September 21st, at the Justice Center, 1pm sharp. Doors will open at 12:30pm. If you are upgrading or coming for your first license we welcome you and look forward to being of service. Please call Peter, N7IY. His phone number is on the ARRL web site under “exam sessions”, if you are planning on testing.
If you are a General class, Advanced, or Extra class license holder you can become a Volunteer Examiner and receive accreditation from the ARRL by passing an open book exam. The service of providing examinations for aspiring Hams is very rewarding and well worth the effort. Nothing feels as good as seeing someone grinning as they are told they PASSED the test.
If you want to get your VE accreditation you can find out all about it here: , it is well worth it.
That’s it for this month. Thank you for checking in to see how “your” VE team is doing. I hope you will join us at a meeting or exam. Be well. See you on the air.
73, Bob AD7Z
Last Updated on September 3, 2024 by Bob, AD7Z